Stand Up, Take Action, End Poverty NOW!

Why Stand Up and Take Action in 2009?
poverty For the fourth year in a row, millions of people around the world will Stand Up and Take Action to show their support for the fight against poverty and for the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

This year, Stand Up will take place against the backdrop of a deepening financial crisis and a slowing global economy. It is a time of great challenge for development in general and for the MDGs in particular.

Already, we are seeing the potentially devastating impact of this on the world’s poorest and most vulnerable. We know that the current economic climate threatens to undo and possibly even reverse the very significant gains that have been made towards achieving the MDGs.

With just six years left to the 2015 deadline for the achievement of the Goals, we cannot afford to let this happen. The achievement of the MDGs must remain a priority on the global political and public agenda.

In this environment, Stand Up is a vital opportunity to send a clear and urgent message to world leaders and decision-makers and raise the political stakes. Our policy messages and actions must reflect the urgency of the situation and must be an instrument to convey the sense of our growing impatience and intolerance of excuses for and distractions from the implementation of policies and programs that help the poorest and most vulnerable.

October 16th, 17th and 18th, 2009, from 12 a.m. GMT (relevant local time) on October 16 to 11.59 p.m. GMT (relevant local time) on October 18.
Wherever people who want to be involved in the fight against poverty and support the achievement of the MDGs are.
Stand Up, Take Action, End Poverty Now! A three day mobilization to send a loud and clear message from citizens to leaders of rich and poor countries to take urgent action to achieve the MDGs and once again break the Guinness World Record.

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About yipe
Yipe an acronym for the Youth Interactive Portal for Enterprise is an organization that assists entrepreneurs to start up and manage their small businesses.

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